Name pronounced same as Chloe.
Why the spelling? Everyone asks.
Well, it's because my mom thought Chloe was pronouced Cha-low-e. I Iove it anyway!
Hi, I'm
Kloei Lindsay
My pocket-sized autobiography...
I was born in Nevada and blessed to be part of a beautiful family full of big hearts with parents who taught us to follow our own dreams. Nevada may seem barren and lifeless to outsiders, as it is known for Highway 50, the loneliest road in America. To me, however, it is full of unlimited adventure and life! It was in these deserts and mountains where I grew up playing with my horses and the place I could let my spirit roam free. The connection and love I feel for horses has stayed with me throughout the years. It is when I am with a horse that I am truly home.
My Equine Bodywork Journey
so far...
I have had some amazing jobs with horses, and I’m always trying new things. I’ve worn mascara made of multiple layers of dirt on cattle drives. I’ve had fun feeling like a beginner trick rider when setting trail ribbons for endurance rides. For 5 years I’ve experienced the old west of Yellowstone National Park, and what it’s like to work alongside wildlife while managing trail rides. More recently I’ve had the opportunity to work with a mule trainer and learn more about our long eared friends. During this time is when I started my equine bodywork journey. A friend mentioned the Masterson Method® to me when we were out riding, and I was drawn to the idea of healing work with the horse. I set out to learn what I could at the weekend seminar and I’ve been hooked ever since. It’s enthralling to connect with the horses while helping them relax and release tension. I fell in love with bodywork and I’ve had some of the most inspirational teachers in humans and horses while learning the Masterson Method®.
I find equine bodywork is therapeutic for all involved. I am always adapting and continuing to learn and grow. It was a beautifully profound experience when becoming a Certified Practitioner (MMCP) and a Equine Specialist (MMES) to see the connection, communication and trust form between horse and human. This is my way of giving back to all equine, for all the gifts I have received from them over the years. I found a love for teaching and I adore watching people’s faces light up with amazement as they discover the magic themselves!
The journey continues…
Kloei is trained and certified as a Masterson Method Certified Practitioner (MMCP) and Masterson Method Equine Specialist (MMES). She is working in Kimberly, ID and the surrounding areas with her equine bodywork business, Horse Blessed. She recently started volunteering at Rising Stars Therapeutic Riding Center in Twin Falls, ID. Kloei is excited for the opportunities to help more horses.